A Day in Afghanistan (VIDEO)

afghanistan - touch down in flight

In this gripping video by filmmakers Lukas and Salome Augustin, Afghanistan is depicted in its purest form: through the daily lives of the people. The outstanding footage captures what many of us have never seen about this notorious country — from the diligent farmer tending to his crops, to the carefree child flying his kite. It is a reminder that even in the most war-torn of countries wrecked by the intolerable deeds of extremists and politicians, at the core lies a simple way of life fostered by family ties, hard work and the love that binds all.

As each of us has his own impression of Afghanistan that is predominantly marked with pictures of foreign forces, explosions and terror, we were privileged to have access to capture daily life and portrait the people of Afghanistan.
We hope the pictures you know will merge with the pictures you see and will enrich your view on the country in the Hindu Kush — Lukas and Salome Augustin


Afghanistan ““ touch down in flight from Augustin Pictures on Vimeo


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