The Unseen Consequences of Buying a Dog at the Tijuana, Mexico Border

Buying a Dog at the Tijuana, Mexico Border

According to the Guardian “the San Ysidro port of entry between Tijuana and San Diego is the busiest land border crossing in the world, with an average of 135,000 people passing through each day. The port is a vital connection between two growing cities that are separated by politics but inextricably linked by history, culture and economics.” The car line leading up to the U.S. customs border patrol is riddled with hawkers selling all sorts of goods from food, pharmaceuticals, clothing, and yes, even animals. It’s essential to understand why you shouldn’t buy a dog at the Tijuana, Mexico border. This innocent act can have dire consequences for both the animals involved and the prospective owners. It inadvertently contributes to a hidden and sinister industry that thrives on animal suffering.

Supporting a Cruel Industry

Buying a dog at the Tijuana, Mexico border inadvertently fuels the local puppy mill industry. Puppy mills are commercial breeding facilities where profit is prioritized over the welfare of the dogs. According to investigations by organizations such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), these facilities often keep animals in deplorable conditions, leading to numerous health and behavioral issues.

The female dogs used for breeding are often kept in a cycle of constant pregnancy and birth, which can cause significant health problems. Furthermore, the lack of vet care, poor quality of food, little to no socialization, and cramped, dirty conditions lead to a breeding ground for parasites and diseases.

Health Risks for New Owners

Those who buy a dog at the Tijuana, Mexico border also run the risk of unknowingly bringing home a sick pet. Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that can be fatal to dogs, especially puppies. Without proper vaccinations and medical examinations, these pets may suffer from various health conditions that can be heartbreaking and costly to treat.

A Better Alternative: Adoption Through Reputable Rescue Organizations

Instead of contributing to an inhumane industry, consider adopting a stray dog in Mexico through a reputable rescue organization. These organizations work tirelessly to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome dogs in need.

They ensure that all dogs have been properly vaccinated, dewormed, and given thorough medical examinations before being adopted. In addition, adopting from a reputable rescue organization helps reduce the demand for puppies from mills and provides a loving home for a dog in need.

Located just outside of Rosarito, Baja Animal Sanctuary is the only no-kill shelter in northern Mexico. They rescue and rehabilitate dogs and cats, giving them a safe haven and a chance at a new life. Every animal taken in by the Sanctuary receives necessary medical examinations, vaccinations, and spay or neuter procedures. When you choose to adopt from organizations like Baja Animal Sanctuary, you’re not only offering a deserving animal a loving home, but also making a responsible choice that supports the fight against the inhumane treatment of animals in puppy mills. Their effort in disrupting the cycle of cruelty is pivotal and by supporting them, you are directly contributing to a more humane world for our four-legged friends.

For more information on how you can help, reach out to organizations like PETA, the Humane Society, or local rescue groups in your area. They can provide further resources on how to adopt responsibly and what you can do to combat the puppy mill industry. You can also help stop the sale of animals at the border by reporting it to local law enforcement. This article explains exactly what to do.

Remember, your decision can make a world of difference to a dog in need. Opt for adoption and be part of the solution, not the problem.

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