What If We All Believed That Our Life Was Meant to Be Used to Better the Lives of Others?

humanity unified blog

From the blog of our sister site, Humanity Unified

You Are Capable

You Are Worthy

You Are Beautiful

Imagine a world where we all, beginning at birth, were only told that we were capable, worthy, intelligent and beautiful. And the only kind of feedback we received from others was positive, encouraging and supportive.

Imagine what life would be like.

Would there be wars? Jealousy? Hatred? Anxiety and depression? Loneliness?

Would women around the world face inequality, physical and mental abuse and rape?

Imagine a world where we all believed that our life was only meant to be used to better the lives of others. To give, to love, to share, to support, to EMPOWER.

We hope the affirmations above make you feel supported, empowered, loved and valued.

We try to affirm the lives of women in Rwanda the very same way by supporting the work of our partners on the ground who provide the encouragement, skills, education and support necessary for women to lift themselves out of poverty.

We invite you to join the conversation on Humanity Unified by sharing a comment about things that make you feel powerless, fearful, sad and lonely. We also invite you to tag a stranger who has also commented and let that person know that he/she is supported and not alone.

Maybe we can change the world with kindness. Why not give it a try?

Click here to leave your comment on Humanity Unified


Photo of Samburu woman via Shutterstock

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