Granola Café, A Local Gem in Copenhagen

granola cafe

By Sara Cooke

Sightseeing is not my thing. When I get to a new city, my favourite activity is to borrow a bike and cruise around the neighbourhoods where people live and work, stopping to refuel and soak in the ambiance at local cafes.

In doing this, I discovered Granola in Copenhagen last summer. The neighbourhood cafe sits on the edge of Vesterbro, on a trendy little foodie street called VÃ…rnedamsvej. The ubiquitous black bicycles everyone rides in this city lean against the bike racks outside the cafe. Locals sit chatting at outdoor tables – for once there’s not a laptop in sight.

I went inside for breakfast, knowing the bill would likely be steep, but prepared to treat myself. I ordered a breakfast with all my favourite things: fruit cup, yogurt, tiny pancakes and French toast, a latte and even a wee bowl of chocolate! I read my Murakami novel while I waited to be served, and quietly observed the other patrons around me, enjoying each others’ company and the warm food and atmosphere at Granola.

I could have found this cafe by searching TripAdvisor on my laptop  (turns out it has a solid 4.5 star rating on the peer review site), but it was a lot more fun to stumble up on it serendipitously.


As the Director of Communications at, Sara has the fun job of staying abreast of local travel trends worldwide. She has traveled extensively through five continents, but her bucket list continues to be far longer than her “been there, done that” one. She hopes someday the balance will tip the other way!

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