This Billboard in Lima Extracts Humidity from the Air and Spits Out Drinking Water



The desert environment in Lima, Peru almost never sees rain, yet the air is always thick with humidity. UTEC, an engineering university in Lima, created a billboard that makes good use of the watery air by transforming it into portable drinking water. The innovative billboard was designed to get the attention of perspective students who are interested in using their talents to help mold a more sustainable world. 


Universities usually try to attract students with successful alumni, traditional advertisements, and in the case of elite schools, a positive track record. UTEC, the University of Engineering and Technology in Lima, Peru, decided to pull off a clever engineering stunt to attract a new class of techie do-gooder students: create a billboard on the Pan-American Highway that generates potable water out of thin air.

Lima is the ideal place for a water-creating billboard–it almost never rains in the desert environment, so there is a lack of fresh water. And yet atmospheric humidity can climb up to 98%, so the air is thick with potential droplets. Alejandro Aponte, the creative director at Mayo DraftFCB Peru (the agency behind the billboard) tells us in an email how it came together:..Continue Reading



Kristin Kownacky is a junior at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, where she is currently working towards a BA in journalism and international studies. It is her dream to travel the world, discovering hidden treasures and writing about each experience. Read her articles on her personal blog, Depart We Now.


Photo UTEC Billboard via Behance

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