The 2012 Olympics on Twitter: Opening Ceremonies Spark Millions of Tweets

2012 Olympics Twitter Diving

The Opening Ceremonies of the London 2012 Summer Olympics Games created quite a ruckus on Twitter. Sources have reported a wide range of statics on the number of tweets that came in during the opening ceremonies, which lie  somewhere between 5 -10 million comments. (Twitter UK reported approximately 10 million mentions between 8 p.m. London time and the end of the tape-delayed broadcast in the U.S.)

The infographic below illustrates when people were most active during the opening ceremonies. If you were lucky enough to cozy up with your iPhone during the spectacular event, you too may have added to all the commentary about Her Majesty and Mr. Bond propelling themselves from a plane (wink wink). Or maybe you became really excited during Sir Paul McCartney’s performance. One of the most interesting data components of the infographic shows that there was a large spike in tweets when Team USA entered the stadium during the parade. Perhaps a tell-tale sign of which country had the most active Twitter users that evening?

Infographic via bluefin labs

Weigh In: Are you using Twitter to follow what’s happening throughout the games? (If you’re not and you’d like to, you can follow the 2012 Olympics on Twitter at these handles:)

@London2012 ““ Follow the official Twitter page of the games for behind-the-scenes information.

@USOlympic ““ The U.S. Olympic committee will be tweeting all the details on American athletes and their wins.

@MichaelPhelps and @RyanLochte ““ Two of America’s more famous and decorated Olympians, the teammates and rivals will go head to head in the swimming events and share their experiences through Twitter.

@OlympicsMedal ““ An Olympic news blog, this Twitter handle will keep you updated on the medal race and the global athletes.

@NBCOlympics ““ NBC will broadcast the Olympics on all its channels. To help avoid confusion on which sport is playing on which channel, follow this feed for a TV listing guide.

 (Handle descriptions via idenitypr)
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